Social Media and Your Web Presence / by Clive W Photography

First off bad week this week come down with a cold (man flu) so not felt like doing much, been some awesome skies this week, but not had the will power to get out there also being at work does not help but been editing more of the pictures taken during the sunrise shoot at the weekend. _MG_9901-Edit-2

My initial edits were put up on my social media sites, so why did I do this after the photography shoots, well if you read my bio my main reason for setting up a web site and my social media pages was to share the pictures I take with a wider audience. So to increase that audience of my pictures I need to post across a range of media sharing sites. I chose Facebook, Instagram and twitter but the choice is yours, I may choose to increase or change the ones I use to spread the word or in my case my pictures further depending on the hit  rates I have. I have also set up a YouTube channel with the intention of recording my photography trips, sharing my views and knowledge of the areas I am in and passing on advice and tips that I have or indeed have picked up by following other peoples media channels.

I don't know about you but I hate having my picture taken and standing pointing a camera at myself currently does not appeal to me so I have started off with a point of view POV approach to my video making, not sure if this is going to work but it is what I am more comfortable with at present. There is the added challenge of finding a suitable video editing "app" to use for the editing process, I may cover this in a later blog.

You may hear that the continued updating of you online presence is very important in maintaining a following, as I am just starting off I can not advise from a producer point of view, I currently have a small following, but I know from a consumer of content I can easily forget channels when you see little action in terms of content. This was why when I was not getting out taking new pictures I started sharing pictures taken in the past, to maintain that interest in my work. A refresh or adding of photographs to your web site will also do the same if people are interested in what you produce they do want to see that evolution else why come back?

Just to let you know maintaining that ever changing presence is not always a speedy thing to do, it takes time, so I would advise not to overstretch yourself if you are going to take the steps to an online presence chose sites that best suit your content, look at those already out there, what do they do? keep following and learn from them but also evolve into the producer you want to be so, as is my dream, people will start looking to you to lead.

My final statement on this post is I admire the daily posters,  those who post regularly and the ones in between as it takes determination and belief to be able to keep going. I applaud you and hope I can join you as a regular provider of content that is followed by many and most of all entertains those that look.