Weather forecast for this morning was cloudy so not promising for a sunrise however I did get up to have a look out of the window, we can see the bay and cliffs to the east from the pad bedroom window, and sure enough it was very cloudy so no way we were going to get a sunrise shot. We had planed of cause to get up and go take pictures but decided to roll over and get another hour in bed. Our morning routine continued, had some breakfast a bit of a chill out then a walk into the town for coffee and cake, we are trying to go to a different coffee shop each day. todays lady who came to collect our order talked us into having cream teas as the scones had just come out of the oven, who could resist?
The tide was coming in but the plan for today was to go for a beach walk under the cliffs to the east I would do some detail photography as the skies were not playing ball and providing interest, the picture were close up, long exposures of the rocks and sea.
As we walked along you just have to look out for fossils, think this is part of a large Ammonite?
After the walk it was time for a much needed cup of tea and of cause a tea cake to keep hunger at bay before dinner. There was to be no sunset tonight but managed to get some pictures from town and out over the cobb.
As dusk descended it was time to return to the pad to light the fire and have a delicious curry for dinner and then to finish of the evening editing the photographs.