LYME REGIS, DAY 6, Thursday / by Clive W Photography

A tail of no sunrise

Well after the rest day yesterday we promised ourselves to get up for sunrise there was hope in the forecast that we would have partial cloud with heavier stuff coming in soon after sunrise. Never fully trust the forecast, after the alarm clock went off we headed down to the Cobb at Lyme Regis to try and get the sunrising over the headland to Portland it was not promising it looked like the cloud had already set in.

Sure enough the clouds looked stormy and although there was a slight glimmer of the sun breaking through on the horizon it never did. What we did have was a another very calm day as were the previous five days we have had here at Lyme Regis , the sea was all but a mill pond.

I did take some photographs from the Cobb but I prefer the pictures I took a bit after sunrise as we made our way back along the front heading back for a breakfast coffee. These pictures were very minimal and a bit abstract which makes very moody pictures. But best of all we were out by ourselves most of the time enjoying the peace and tranquillity that you get when you are up as daybreak begins. What was even better the clouds did break up which ended up as another lovely day in Lyme Regis.

Failing to find out expected breakfast cafe open, we were half hour too early we disappointingly returned to the pad and made our own, which turned out to be very good, bacon, brie and cranberry panini.😁 Followed by some downloading and editing of some of the shots taken recently.

Making use of the afternoon sunshine another trip to the beach was decided as the best option and also if we got out after a quick lunch the tide would be out far enough to do some more fossil hunting along the foreshore as well as take some fresh photos if the scene showed itself. Plenty of fossils were spotted but photography wise I did not have much joy. The sun was causing a lot of glare even with a polarizing filter I was not happy with the results. In addition I checked the lens that was dropped the other day and unfortunately cannot focus on any mid range objects confirming the lens is no longer usable I now hove nothing between 20 and 70mm focal length. My problem now being that this broken lens was my mid range, so probably most used lensin my bag. Although it was the kit lens brought with my Canon 7D I do not have anything to replace it with, maybe father Christmas will sort me out. NB Father Christmas I would like a upgrade on my busted one ☺.

As we missed our morning coffee out it was decided after our walk afternoon tea was called for, so off we went to find a cafe. At this point we also remembered that we had not put the diner on for tonight so decided fish and chips was going to be on the menu. Finding an open fish and chip shop at five o'clock turned out to be beyond us on a November afternoon😯 so it ended up with us cooking chips and buying a pasty to eat with it from the Cornwall Bakery, in Dorset it is indeed a hard life.