We Have Purchased a Van🤗 / by Clive Witney

So we have picked up our van. Did not go as smoothly as expected, we had asked for a number of things to be sorted, that were identified when we first viewed the van.

We had asked that

  1. a full service was carried out, including brake fluid change.

  2. air conditioning be re gassed, it was not running cold.

  3. seat bases to be replaced, they were covered in paint.

  4. some of the trim to be replaced as it was very beaten up.

  5. a air vent to be fixed, it was pushed back and could not be moved.

  6. chip in the windscreen be filled.

  7. A obvious run in the new paintwork be rubbed back an buffed.

  8. A handle on the inside rear door to be fitted (turned out this was just a trim piece).

  9. Floor in cargo area be replaced (this was to be done at their insistance).

However, upon inspection, it looked like only a partial service had been completed and most of the other items not done apart from the ply floor being replaced. Initially I was not happy but to be fair, when I pointed these out they did set too and put right most of the items what we had previously asked while we waited.

Two hours later and once we were happy with what had been done as asked the purchase was very quick, and I was given a slight discount on the price for our trouble. I had already taxed and insured the van prior to travelling to pick the van up in anticipation of the van being ready.

I had a sixty mile drive home to get a better feel for the van and how it drove and I am glad to say it performed as expected with no issues coming to light. I had already got a feel for the basic controls during a test drive the week previous but the drive home also have me opportunity to check all the other functions in the van and how they work, while concentrating on driving obviously.

A big thank you here to Nathan my son in law who was my second pair of eyes and chief negotiator, as it turned out, in checking things over and getting problems sorted, it is very much appreciated.

So getting the van home was the first stage, my wife wanted to go out in the van now that it was ours, so we went out to get some fuel and also do a bit of filming for the pick up video which is on YouTube.

We are keeping the vehicle on our driveway while carrying out the modification to a motorhome which brought another challenge when we finally returned home, the van is 2.02M wide and our driveway down the side of the house is 2.15M it is quite a snug fit. This was my wife's main concerns when we we considering a van and where it was going to be kept. But as it panned out nothing to be overly worried about, slow and steady is always a good saying to follow. I have driven large vehicles, previously holding a LGV license, so as long as the measures said it was going to be ok I had always believed that it would be fine.🤞.

So now it is the start of the project, which I will write about and film going forward.

See my first video showing the van https://youtu.be/_Gmci6gx-BY