As I sit here writing this blog, well actually when I sat down to write a blog, it went through my mind do I need to both vlog and blog as part of my web presence or could I get away with doing one? Not wanting to stand in front of a camera has always made blogging the easier of the two in some ways, but getting ideas and thoughts written down doesn't come easy either. Bogging
The writing of blogs eats up time I say to myself, but it can be quite relaxing typing away if of cause, I can put into words what is in my head, if anything.
If interative, i.e. feedback if received then bloging, I can imagine could get very rewarding for both, or more parties as long as it remains positive. This is based on what I intend to do which is but my ideas down, no political statements and photography centric, and we all know not one way is right, that is part of the creative process of photography so why would you criticise?
Blogging also has the advantage if you can not get out, as in my case last week, you can still interact with you audiance simply but putting a thought down.
The filming of vlogs puts the added dimension of vision into the mix you can show what you can see, show what you are doing through the medium itself not having to describe everything. It does also raise your profile if you film yourself infrontof the camera making the interaction more personal?
However vlogging does take planning to produce entertaining content, unless you are a natural. The filming also can take time when you are trying to also take pictures especially when you have a beautiful scene and do not want to miss it. The few attempts I have had so far have resulted in patchy content where I have forgotten to film certain aspects of the shoot so when I put it together it does not make sense.
In today's world media of all types is king, I believe there is still a place for the written text as well as the documentary video each one may draw a slightly different audience but if like me you want to share what you do, in my case landscape photography you can appeal to a larger audience if you do both. I need to work harder on the vlogging side overcome my reluctance to film myself and just keep at it.