Finding time! / by Clive W Photography

Don't know about you but I find it difficult to find the time to get out there and do the photography I love. Am I lazy or demotivated or is there just too much going on? Surprisingly I have managed to get out at the weekends taking pictures, even if once was walking around town (Newbury) having arrived early for a meet up and not having my camera so using a cell phone I have taken pictures and enjoyed doing it, thanks to my wife for hanging around waiting while I was sorting myself out.

However none of those weekend outings, not classifying them as trips as they were within a couple of miles of home, were undertaken at sunset or sunrise and were not very productive in terms of pictures I was happy with.

Motivation - def - a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.

Lazy - def - unwilling to work or use energy.

Actually inspiration is what I am looking for. I watch vlogs and feel inspired but then realise these locations are not around where I live, not having high peaks, tumbling waterfalls or long sandy beaches close by, well at least somewhere I can get to within a small window I am free. Now don't get me wrong I live in a beautiful part of the country, but finding compositions for photographs is challenging so that should stretch my photography further right? Yes it does but again it comes down to that word that we don't get enough of 'time'.

Finding a window to scout out compositions is not easy, I just want to take pictures so it is all a balance. I know I should go out without my kit and look and consider the landscape finding those elusive compositions and going back when conditions are right. But hey why not just go for it and take pictures as you go? I think it does work for me specially when I only have the odd hour to spend, especially now we are into the short daylight hours of winter.

So to answer my question, time is precious, whatever we have to fill it up with we could enjoy and in our spare time that is especially true as it is ours after all right? I will therefore continue to get out when I can to do whatever photography I can and share some of those pictures with you, here on my website, on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter 😁😁

Oh yes and here is one from and outing to the wood on a foggy morning this week.

Keep an eye open for more of my photography journey as I have a small break planned soon and will be taking the camera with me.